after the last few

Hiyah. How’s you? Good, I hope. Welcome back to another scurrilous sbhmissive trawled from the bits of my mind that still function…After the last few ones getting a little bit heavy, I thought I’d lighten it up and do a list of things I like right now.  



Affirmation. Beauty. Creativity. Dancing. Expression. Fun. Giving. Happiness. Individuality. Joyfulness. Knowledge. Love. Musics. Nurture. Obtainable. Progression. Questioning. Rights. Sincerity. Tenderness. Understanding. Value. Wonder. Xenophilia. You. Zingyness.





To expand on that slightly I also believe in…



Feminism however it looks. Strong Female comebacks. Jokes aimed at bringing the patriarchy down. Asides at the expense of male toxicity. Trans rights as human rights. Women’s rights. Patriarchal overthrow. Black lives Matter.


This is not an exhaustive list and one that can and will be added too, as I’m sure I’ve missed some things off.



What’s yours?





Ciao Bella.



